What Did Neanderthals Eat? The Early Human Diet

neaderthal family eating meat

Recent research has significantly expanded our understanding of Neanderthal dietetics, revealing a rich tapestry of nutritional practices among our ancient cousins. Neanderthals, it turns out, were not the unsophisticated carnivores we once imagined, but rather opportunistic eaters with a surprisingly varied diet. This blog will delve into the three key aspects of what Neanderthals ate, […]

What Was Early Humans’ Diet? Understanding Our Ancestral Nutritional Blueprint

early humans hunting food for diet and nutrition

In this blog, we’re exploring intriguing findings about early humans’ diet, uncovering how these ancestral eating patterns are not just a glimpse into our past, but key to understanding optimal health in the present. The Foundation of Early Humans Diet: Opportunistic Meat Consumption Early humans’ diet, a subject of profound importance to understanding our nutritional […]