Benefits and Drawbacks of a Carnivore Diet

The Carnivore Diet, a regimen focusing on animal-based foods, has sparked considerable interest in the health and wellness community. This diet emphasises consumption of meat, fish, eggs, and certain dairy products while excluding plant-based foods. In this blog, we delve into three key aspects of the Carnivore Diet: its alignment with human evolutionary eating patterns, […]

The Hidden Dangers in Your Greens: Understanding the Plants Impact on Humans

pesticides on health

In our journey towards a healthier, more natural diet, we often regard plants as benign and purely beneficial. However, the reality is more complex. Understanding the plants impact on humans requires delving into the scientific nuances of natural chemicals found in vegetation. This blog explores three key aspects that demonstrate why plants might not always […]

Why Your High LDL Doesn’t Matter if You Have Good Fasting Insulin and Inflammation Scores

heart healthy foods

In recent years, the narrative surrounding high LDL cholesterol, commonly dubbed as ‘bad’ cholesterol, has been evolving. Emerging research indicates that high LDL doesn’t matter as much as we thought, particularly if accompanied by low levels of systemic inflammation and good fasting insulin scores. This blog delves into the scientific intricacies behind this paradigm shift, […]

Natural Whole Foods as a Solution for Reducing Inflammation

fresh meat and fruit

In today’s fast-paced world, where processed foods are the norm, there’s a growing need to return to our roots – to a diet that aligns with our evolutionary needs. This article delves into how adopting a diet centered around natural whole foods can be pivotal in reducing inflammation. The philosophy here is simple yet profound: […]